
Truth Worth Believing

Truth Worth Believing (TWB) seeks to faithfully and clearly present Christ and Biblical doctrine to the community through the medium of radio.  Each approximately one minute broadcast seeks to explain a distinct biblical truth.

The Orthodox Presbyterian Church is a biblical, confessional, and Presbyterian church.  We believe the Bible is our primary authority for doctrine (teaching) and living.  All our teaching must submit itself to the scrutiny of and correction by the Word of God.

Our doctrine is a summary of the teaching of the Bible as understood and embraced by the early church and rediscovered during the Reformation.  We hold to the Westminster Confession of Faith and Larger and Shorter Catechisms as faithful summaries of the doctrine of Scripture.  As such, the Confessions are useful for uniting believers of like faith, preventing deviations from sound biblical doctrine, and for instructing ourselves and our children concerning the truths taught in Scripture.

We are Presbyterian because we believe this is the best expression of the church of God as a body of believers and the form of church government established by the apostles in the early church.  We believe the church of Christ is much broader than simply a local gathering of believers.


Truth Worth Believing
Bartlesville, OK 74003

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